+39 339 7003443 | luxarcana@hotmail.it
These new performances related to the sphere of pure physicality, namely Aerial Dance, Pole Dance and Acrobatics, derive from the new circus and artistic gymnastics and are well connected to the classic performances with LED or Fire instruments that our company normally presents. This allows us to always offer something innovative both in large squares and in elegant and refined contexts, expanding our actual repertoire.
These new performances related to the sphere of pure physicality, namely Aerial Dance, Pole Dance and Acrobatics, derive from the new circus and artistic gymnastics and are well connected to the classic performances with LED or Fire instruments that our company normally presents. This allows us to always offer something innovative both in large squares and in elegant and refined contexts, expanding our actual repertoire.
These new performances related to the sphere of pure physicality, namely Aerial Dance, Pole Dance and Acrobatics, derive from the new circus and artistic gymnastics and are well connected to the classic performances with LED or Fire instruments that our company normally presents. This allows us to always offer something innovative both in large squares and in elegant and refined contexts, expanding our actual repertoire.
These new performances related to the sphere of pure physicality, namely Aerial Dance, Pole Dance and Acrobatics, derive from the new circus and artistic gymnastics and are well connected to the classic performances with LED or Fire instruments that our company normally presents. This allows us to always offer something innovative both in large squares and in elegant and refined contexts, expanding our actual repertoire.
International artists for fantastic physical circus performances

The Lux Arcana company has in its repertoire many physical performances inspired by the new circus, the world of artistic gymnastics and new trends that are developing in recent years. Here we can find aerial dance performed on the hoop, fabrics and rings, pole dance in a performative key and acrobatic numbers of various kinds, with handstands, splits, back flips, somersaults and flick-flacks. We have all the appropriate equipment for the presentation of these performances, both for indoor and outdoor events. These new performances can be shown as numbers on their own, but, above all, they can be included in our fire and LED shows to amplify the repertoire and offer stunning moments to amaze the audience.



Aerial Dance is a discipline that in recent years is becoming known throughout the world for the spectacularity of its evolutions. It was created to develop flexibility and control of the body in the air on various specific instruments where figures, circular movements, rotation, oscillation and acrobatic tricks of various kinds are performed. This technique meets the world of dance taking the name of “aerial dance”, wanting to combine lightness and elegance to the typical theatricality of dancers and gymnasts.
General details - Performance with aerial hoop, fabrics and rings
- Can be performed outdoor with a certified self-supporting equipment or internally with suitable hooks
- Can be incorporated into fire shows or LED performances
- Customizable on a specific music


The pole dance is known in all major gyms around the world as an acrobatic dance, able to enchant any kind of audience. It is evolving in various new forms which makes this discipline perfect to be added in many high-level shows. The pole dance is a mix of gymnastic tricks and dance on a pole. It is a full-fledged sport discipline, in fact it is all about the execution of many acrobatic figures which require a considerable amount of strength, fluency, coordination, agility, flexibility and endurance.
General details details - Artistic Pole Dance Performance
- Can be performed indoor and outdoor with a certified self-supporting platform
- Can be incorporated into fire shows or LED performances
- Customizable on a specific music


The artists of Lux Arcana, thanks to the use of stilts, propose various choreographies at a more visible height. These are perfect for any situation and can be seen by a large audience even without the use of stages. Our stilt-walkers are also skilled dancers and on stilts they can propose special performances of pas de deux and acrobatic dance exercises. They can also welcome guests and wear various types of special costumes such as the stunning luminous butterflies, robots or other types of special costumes to be customized on the theme of the evening.
General details - Choreographed dances on stilts
- Possibility to organize the welcome of the guests using special costumes
- Can be incorporated into fire shows or LED schows
- Customizable on a specific music

Pole dance and acrobatic performances for white nights, festivals, corporate events and gala dinners. Aerial dance is suitable for outdoor city-events, festivals, village festivals, white nights, weddings, inaugurations of buildings, celebrations and discos. Aerial and Pole Dance is suitable for any corporate event such as meetings, conventions, theaters, shopping malls, indoor events, openings, awards, gala dinners, celebrations and nightclubs.


Some numbers of our performances

  • Corporate Events
  • Fire shows
  • Led Lights Performances
  • Medieval shows
  • Email
  • Emails
  • Sports Events

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